Aiko Mizukawa-Moscatello

Squadra di Analisi Dei Dati

Muse Info

Name : Aiko Mizukawa aka Aiko Moscatello

Age : 17

Gender : Female

Pronouns : She/Her

Sexuality : Pansexual

Height : 5'0"

Weight : Ladies don't tell

Aiko, a girl of diminutive stature who carries around a doll and speaks Italian with a soft Japanese accent, is hardly someone who anyone would expect to be a part of Passione. This is what makes her perfect for the job.

Children of Bodom

Named after Finnish Melodic Death Metal band and their song of the same name, Aiko's stand manifests as four sentient doll-like beings.

The most frequently seen doll. She and Aiko always match clothing and hairstyles.

Her special ability summons rose vines that can restrain victims and cause lacerations, due to the thorns. Breathing in the fragrance of the roses causes the victim to sleep and have pleasant dreams.

Sou and Sui
Mirror images of each other, these fraternal twins (sister and brother) each carry one half of a pair of gardening shears. When used separately, they can only cause lacerations, but when combined, they are able to cut through bone.

The Reaper
Mighty and dreadful death. This is the doll least seen because its power takes the most out of Aiko. It's ability pulls the soul from the body. If the soul comes into contact with the scythe, the victim will die.

A Fallen Star

All but abandoned by her parents at the tender age of four, Aiko spent her early years in a special "boarding school" which was actually an idol training camp. While she had a moderately successful career in her group, subunits, and even solo, she was known as a "problem child" -- a girl who has her own ideas for how she wants to sing, dress, and conduct herself. After an incident where she injured a girl from a larger group, she was suspended from activities. Then, at the ripe old age of 16, she was sent home to her parents.

Aiko's mother was happy to have her only daughter back, but her father wanted her married off immediately. It was during one of their many arguments over this that she heard the name that would change her life -- a three letter name that means "God" in Italian.

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